Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Men Do Cry

Who says men don't cry.....Men do cry.. they cry a lot.. they cry dil se..... Its a big tragedy that people around see that as a weakness of a man.. but sometimes men have to cry.. yes even publicly... When some one like our own Roger Federer cries , we understand it better.

When you begin to lose your empire and can not do anything but watch it helplessly, you have to cry. You need to accept the defeat open hearted... Some says its an end of Federer Era.. it could be.. I myself was crying(not literally though) while watching Roger lose the game...Roger fought like a true sportsperson.. after all Tennis means life to him.. If some new blood is taking his thrown from him, he had to do all he could to save it..When he first lost against Nadal, he appreciated the opponent as like any good sportsperson.. and believe me he must have practiced like hell , must have watched the match he lost 1000 times.. but alas !!!  ... all his efforts came to an end when he could not believe Nadal taking his dream away from him.. and Roger cried ..literally..... 

I googled crying and it gave me a list of famous male figures who cried publicly in history... .. typically all from western countries.... Hence I gave up the option.. I looked back in our own history... Remember the Gujarat riot face ! it was a true symbol of the pain people went through during Gujarat riots.. you wont believe the crying face belonged to a man..
I can immediately recall Nana Patekar in some movie and Om Puri in some other movie crying literally in some intense dramatic scene.. I had believed it then.. 

Generally women cry a lot.. may be that's how they keep their emotional balance everyday .. or may be they use it as a weapon to get an edge in the arguments, crying always is an ACE for them.. but somehow men are not allowed to cry.. WTF !!!

Haven't you seen a father cry when her daughter departs !
Haven't you seen a man cry when he sees his baby for the first time !
Haven't you seen a man cry when he loses his family in some riots or accidents !
Haven't you seen a man who cry when the girl, he think as his life, simply dumps him for some rich!

I don't know where all the animals cry or not.. But I certainly understand that a creature like human who is more emotional and has developed bonds with the surroundings has a right to cry..
Have you cried in your life?? ........
If you are a girl/woman, this question may not be worth asking.. but if you are a man and haven't cried in life then u are yet to experience a lot of life...

They say extreme grief laughs and extreme joy cries.. 

I hope you get to experience both of them.. lets not keep crying limited to any gender! ...

Lets live the life to the fullest .. Lets hope to cry !

1 comment:

suvarnam said...

hey.. thanks for ur comment on my blog..
when i read ur this post, i feel sharing some thoughts on this.. It is true that women/girls cry more often than men. But it doesn not mean they do it just for the sake of sympathy (or as weapon) as u said.. the situations u hv described wen man can cry are applicable to women also.. emotions are not gender-dependent though the ways to express them differ.. if men want to cry nobody has stopped them from doing so... :)